Microsoft, Windows
Microsoft recently issued a temporary workaround for a bug, preventing users from accessing the Photos app in Windows 11.
Windows Driver Kit NuGet is now available to download and install, and once you do so, you'll be able to create drivers.
The Windows 11 Dev build 26120.1252 brings minor improvements to the version 24H2 of the OS, and it also restarts the rollout ...
Consider third-party utilities like AutoHotkey and DeskPins if you want something that works in a slightly different way. ...
A second remote code execution vulnerability, tracked as CVE-2024-6409, was found in OpenSSH during an analysis of the ...
Microsoft has confirmed that Windows Server updates from last month's Patch Tuesday break some Microsoft 365 Defender ...
“We are excited to partner with Microsoft to bring Windows IoT licensing and expert support to our customers,” said Ted Christiansen, CEO of Kontron Americas. “This collaboration further ...
Windows 11 24H2 arrives in late 2024 on Intel and AMD and will introduce “checkpoint cumulative updates” for the OS.