Cher launched a line of Gothic homewares called Sanctuary. ‘Miami Goth’ – my name for it, not hers – had faux bone kitchen ...
Endemic to the Rhodope Mountains in Bulgaria,* this evergreen perennial has pretty lilac flowers and the official name of ...
Oprah Winfrey is an Aquarius with Sagittarius Rising but in the Galactic Chart she’s a Capricorn with Ophiuchus and bunch of ...
Cancerians are incredibly difficult to buy gifts for, even though they’ll guilt-trip you forever if you fuq it up. The thing is, they’re psychic – not like “I had a vibe you might call” or ...
The Capricorn Full Moon / Solstice has brought some bad energies / news transmissions around and I am wondering about the astrology of it all – and when the relief will come in! My Capricorn ex is ...
After the most recent post featuring Vanadium Lightyear, I realized that some of you haven’t encountered her and the weird yet somehow familiar world she resides in. She lives in a future metropolis ...
Is anyone else loving the reappearance of Kate Middleton aka the Princess of Wales today? Yes, I know: colonial fuqery, world going to hell in a handbasket, unwokeness, kleptocracies, privilege, ...
Thursday’s Gemini New Moon is fascinating – be ready. It’s particularly good for declaring a new mindset or intention because Gemini is ultra-mercurial and Jupiter is now in this sign: words have ...
Mars is now in Taurus until July 21. As with any shift of Mars sign, this is a good moment to assess your tactics & methods so you can adjust where apt. Broadly, this Mars energizes Taureans, ...
It’s Dark Moon time again* but with Jupiter in Gemini, everyone’s probably too fidgety and lively of mind to sink into any kind of a slump, let alone dutifully declutter, whatever. Jupiter is also in ...