THE global survey of statCounter sees Android at all-time highs and Windows at an all-time low of 26% (almost below that ...
THIS PAST week or so we spoke a lot about the "10% Windows" club - the group of nations where Windows usage sank to 10% or ...
And sure, there are policies like "Factory first" that do directly foster direct engineering links between openSUSE and SUSE. But I do not think openSUSE should take them for granteded.
Good reporting can promote peace and justice, e.g. through accountability. He says "media could have stopped it" as "populations don't like wars" and "populations need to be fooled into wars".
May: GNU/Linux in Cameroon: Rising Steadily While Windows Falls From 99% to Just 6% (ChromeOS has risen since!) WE HAVE only ...
The associate has noted that "RMS, Moglen, and others are being intentionally excluded from national policy dialog ." By ...
From 100% to Less Than 15% Notice that not too long ago Windows was measured at 100%. Now? Not even 15%. Microsoft Windows ...
Cyber|Show has this new article today, urging Firefox users to try WaterFox, Pale Moon, SeaMonkey (it also said IceWeasel ...
The World Wide Web has sadly become a platform of hate, violence, and cybercrimes. Even as recently as this month we were subjected to cybercrimes (those were reported to the police, which came here ...
Speaking of Microsoft spam, as associate sent along this piece, asserting that is is spam "though does shed light on her conflict of interest regarding national level ICT policy" (Pelosi as Microsoft ...
Notice that not too long ago Windows was measured at 100%. Now? Not even 15%. It is a country "about 4.3 times bigger than France.".