We are incredibly fortunate as a nation to still have Donald Trump with us. Moreover, Trump has named J.D. Vance as his Vice ...
"Fascist movements are secular religions. Like all religions, they offer martyrs as their proof of truth. The Mussolini ...
Editor's Note: Joe Biden's leftist, "America Last" agenda is destroying our great country. Support Townhall as we fight to ...
The Democrats speaking loudest about “unity” are the people with the most blood on their hands from Saturday. They did this, ...
In general, the platform calls for the following: --Economic Revival: Slash regulations, cut taxes, and promote fair trade to ...
With all the ridiculous and false charges, along with the vitriol and invective that has been thrown repeatedly at former ...
WORLD EXCLUSIVE -- Former President Donald Trump has completely rewritten his convention speech in light of the assassination ...
Often, the Left makes misleading arguments about the practice, insinuating that arbitration is a shady end-run around the ...
Had Donald Trump tilted his head the other way, the bullet that clipped his ear would have killed him. America was half an ...
The attempted assassination of President Trump highlights the failures of DEI under pressure.
In the aftermath of the attempted assassination of former president Donald Trump, Lincoln's words, uttered during the ...