A new study published in Nature adds to the case that lunar caves are a strong option to protect future permanent outposts on ...
To live on Mars, humans will need liquid water, food, shelter and a thick, protective atmosphere with enough oxygen to ...
This pair of glowing hydrogen clouds make up one of the most recognizable vistas in the northern sky.
UHZ1’s light has traveled 13.2 billion light-years - a longer light-travel time than any other known black hole.
The Advanced Imaging Conference plans to fund a new, accredited introductory freshman-level community college course in ...
Over six dramatic days in July 1994, a shimmering train of ice-encrusted particles slammed into Jupiter, the solar system’s ...
On the evening of July 6, 1924, John Moore’s funeral was interrupted. A meteorite, trailing smoky plume, announced its ...
His storied career included three visits to space, and operation of two different winged vehicles: the Shuttle and the X-15.
Friday, July 12 The Moon reaches apogee, the farthest point from Earth in its orbit, at 4:11 A.M. EDT. At that time, Luna ...
NASA has approved a next-stage study of fluidic telescope technology, which could ultimately dwarf today's best space ...
Here are some potential ways we Earthlings could achieve interstellar travel, ranked from least to most likely.
The chances of dark matter or a black hole ripping apart Earth are very small because of gravity and the size of the Sun.