At the Washington summit this week, NATO plans to launch a new command to lead the coordination of security assistance and ...
The normally secretive U.S. intelligence community is as enthralled with generative artificial intelligence as the rest of ...
The State Department’s Global Engagement Center recently opened an anti-Russian propaganda center in Poland, but needs ...
[Cloud-based HPC] can provide you that agility to be able to solve mission-critical problems on the spot...We need the ...
The dispute over a Sentinel program integration support contract intensifies as BAE Systems and Guidehouse battle for the ...
The Pentagon is attempting “to be less hard to work with” on data and IT projects, its chief digital officer said recently.
Ukrainian military chief Rustem Umerov is dropping by the Pentagon Tuesday for discussions with Defense Secretary Lloyd ...
The system will be fielded to units this year, according to the Army press release, and will eventually go to electronic ...
With spectral analysis, it’s possible to “tell the difference [between] cocaine that came from one cartel’s area of Colombia ...
The U.S. Air Force is getting closer to realizing its vision of low-cost surveillance drones with an autonomous drone that ...
Houthi groups have used public tracking data to target commercial ships—revealing that staying undetected is trickier than ...
Estonian companies are getting lightning-quick user feedback and real-world electronic warfare testing, thanks to hands-on ...