At the Israel Agricultural-Tech Roadshow in Makati City, the Philippines, on July 11, about 100 Philippine-based firms and ...
Three individuals who worked with infected poultry in Colorado, US, are believed to have contracted avian influenza, state ...
The Centre on Biologics Development and Evaluation at Kansas State University, US, recently hosted an African swine fever ...
Bhutan's total dairy production reached 48,014 metric tonnes (MT) last year, according to the country's Integrated ...
Norwegian employers' group Seafood Norway has appointed a new manager with a mission to assess and help reduce the ...
Vietnam's Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD) and the EU Delegation to Vietnam have jointly organised a ...
Farmers in Rwanda can expect quality and affordable animal feed through a new partnership between the country's National ...
Brazil, one of the world's largest food producers, is expected to harvest 90 million metric tonnes of second corn in the ...
In the past six months, 3,000 tonnes of chicken have been produced in northern Kunduz province, Afghanistan, marking a 58.3% ...
Disease pressure on poultry flocks is mounting from all sides, with re-emerging diseases like E. cecorum, existing ones like ...
Despite the significant potential for pig farming to contribute to the better livelihood of the rural poor and meet the ...
China is pioneering an innovative approach to sustainable energy use by transforming the icy byproducts of liquefied natural ...