The Commonwealth can expect no shortage of offers to buy Southern Murray-Darling Basin water entitlements after the second ...
Premier 86,416 hectare (213,538 acre) North Queensland cattle property Valley of Lagoons is a unique large scale breeding and ...
Fiona Conroy, Knewleave Partnership, said the cattle they have today are a testimony to what has been achieved by Australian ...
Real Life Resilience's Mike Rolls (left) and Ben Pettingill say better communication is critical to improving rural mental ...
Autonomous machines are a potential game changer for farmers, helping to boost productivity, precision and ease of operations ...
Switching ewes in late pregnancy from pastures to forage oats has no significant impact on ewe survival, but a sudden switch ...
Demand from Australia's largest live cattle market, Indonesia, has fallen away in the past month on account of full feedlots ...
Ripper prices for finished cattle are starting to pull prices across other categories up as traders identify improved profit ...
A 828 hectare (2045 acre) inner Darling Downs mixed farming aggregation is on the market, to be sold through an expressions ...
Gerald Archer, and his sons, Ed and Frank, Landfall Angus stud, Tamar Valley, Tasmania, are proud of the family's connection ...
The RWS certification will be replaced by Textile Exchange's Material Matters Standard. FILE PICTURE.
Winter harvest is coming for broadacre farmers who must do without thousands of UK backpackers who have traditionally filled ...