A new look at how light bends as it travels through the universe could point to an alternative theory of gravity.
A trial that purposely exposed volunteers to COVID-19 revealed key immunological differences that may explain why some people can dodge SARS-CoV-2.
A method called enhanced rock weathering shows promise at capturing carbon dioxide from the air. But verifying the carbon removal is a challenge.
Hurricane Beryl, the Atlantic Ocean’s first hurricane in 2024, began roaring across the Caribbean in late June, wreaking devastation on Grenada and other Windward Islands as it grew in power. It’s now ...
The nuclear fuel of the future may be HALEU, high-assay low-enriched uranium. But questions about the material remain.
A nova occurs in the constellation Corona Borealis once every 80 years. Its bright light will be visible to the naked eye for up to a week.
A controversial idea drawing on findings from the animal kingdom suggests there’s more to human stature than genetics and nutrition.
A new study claims to confirm that the inner core is now rotating more slowly than it was over a decade ago, but some researchers remain skeptical.
In a few years, you might be able to 3-D print right in the palm of your hand.
Supermassive black holes at the hearts of active galaxies may be churning out a lot of the universe’s high-energy neutrinos. “I would say that they can be the major contributor,” says astronomer ...