July 16, 2024: For its war in Ukraine Russia has mobilized forces from all over Russia. For example, aircraft at the complex of naval and air bases in northwestern Russia’s Kola Peninsula around ...
July 16, 2024: Norwegian defense firm Kongsberg has regularly developed and sold lots of innovative weapons. The latest is NOMAD, a 29-ton self-propelled tracked air defense system vehicle that ...
July 13, 2024: For a decade now, the Philippines has depended on neighboring nations like Japan and Australia, in addition to the United States, for assistance in building a naval force large enough ...
July 15, 2024: Félix Tshisekedi, the President since 2019, easily won the presidential and National Assembly (legislature) elections at the end of 2023. Tshisekedi won because he had made considerable ...
July 14, 2024: North Korean soldiers have recently been reinforcing their side of the four kilometer wide DMZ (Demilitarized Zone) with additional anti-tank fortifications, walls and roads. In early ...
Stoltenberg addressed it in his June speech. To paraphrase, in 2014 when NATO members promised to invest 2% of GDP in defense, "only three Allies met that mark" (U.S., Britain, Greece). In 2018, some ...
July 13, 2024: Islamic terrorist group Al Shabab continues to be a major problem. This was seen in March when Al Shabab gunmen conducted an overnight siege of a hotel near the Presidential Palace.
Iranian forces have been going after commercial ships more since 2021 but that slowed to nearly nothing in 2024 given increased American air force prescence. In 2023 the seizure attempts often ...
Longer term, Italy could accept the new German Panther tank. This is a 59 ton vehicle armed with a new 130mm main gun with twenty 130mm rounds on board. Secondary armament consists of a 12.7mm (.50 ...
July 4, 2024: Indians are mystified at the inability of India, the most populous nation in the world with over a billion people, as well as a current GDP of $3.7 trillion, to have adequate weapons for ...
July 6, 2024: Ukrainian Sea Baby USVs (Unmanned Surface Vessel)s are made of a material that is nearly invisible to radar. Each USV can carry up to 850 kg of explosives. Less explosives can be carried ...