The 500 academics signed a letter claiming that Netanyahu's invitation to Congress was "a dangerous political and diplomatic ...
At least 48 people were killed in three Israeli air strikes in less than one hour on Tuesday, Gaza’s civil defence agency ...
Marvel Enterainment, a subsidiary of Disney, is under fire for erasing the Israeli heritage of longtime Jewish superhero ...
"President Trump will stop the mobs on college campuses so Jewish students feel safe when they go to class," Brooks, who got ...
World News
Apparently referring to the strike, the Israeli military said in a statement that it targeted a commander in Islamic Jihad’s ...
Information About Us Contact us Feedback Terms Of Service Privacy Policy Subscriber Agreement JPost Jobs Cancel Subscription Sitemap פרסום בג'רוזלם ...
The American Federation of Teachers — the union representing New York’s public school teachers and college professors and urban educators across the country — has drafted ...
The announcement followed a landmark Supreme Court order for young religious men to begin enlisting for military service.
The Republican hopeful brought in more cash than Democratic rival Adam Schiff for the first time this campaign during the ...
For a time after the cold war the world seemed to move towards an international rules-based order with less conflict, more ...
Socialist Equality Party members won a warm response in a working class neighbourhood Saturday as they continued their ...
FSU protestors arrested this spring for pitching tents and refusing to leave must do community service, will have charges ...