The hidden semiconductor abilities of diamonds could help power grids and electric vehicles manage far greater amounts of ...
The liquid hydrocarbon seas, lakes and rivers on Titan have varying compositions and signs of active tides or currents ...
Scientists have made major strides in predicting rapidly intensifying storms over the past decade, but even the best tech can ...
To even out the intermittent power supply from wind and solar, we need to build vast energy storage facilities. It turns out ...
The official definition of a planet, which famously saw Pluto demoted to dwarf planet status in 2006, doesn't really work for ...
A pacemaker-like implant detected opioid overdoses in pigs within 1 minute and successfully administered a treatment ...
We may have finally found an entry point to the caves hidden beneath the moon’s surface, which could shield future astronauts ...
The Perseid meteor shower lasts from mid-July through August, and it is one of the most impressive displays of shooting stars ...
Ten people in the US have been infected with a strain of bird flu called H5N1, but patchy surveillance means that some cases ...
Two studies suggest the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation could collapse by the middle of the century and wreak ...
GPS jamming and spoofing has begun to affect transatlantic flights. Now the race is on to develop alternative ways of ...
A generator that harvests the pitter-patter of raindrops can produce enough electricity to power LED lights, though it is ...